2016, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2016; 19 (2)
Women in on-again/off-again relationships and their perception of anxiety
Cantú RMB
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 719-736
PDF size: 512.20 Kb.
The main goal was to study the on-again/off-again relationships
from the perspective of the female member of
the relationship through an attachment theory framework.
Semi-structured interviews were conducted and the Experiences
in Close Relationships Scale was applied to
seven female participants (20-25 years old) who were
Mexico City residents. Results show the the mayority of
the cases stydied had an insecure attachment type, with
relationships characterized by anxiety, avoidance, emotional
dependency, instability, unbalanced power/control,
role switching, ambivalence, lack of commitment, dissatisfaction,
lack of trust, uncertainty and violence. The
“anxiety” category was the most mentiones throughout interviews,
especially when participants talked about behaviors
and attitudes from their partners. Scale results
show that both sub-cales were inside the SD for Mexican
population with means of 2.56 (anxiety) and 3.13 avoidance.
Attachment theory was shown to be appropriate in
out initial approach to on-again/off-again relationships, for
it gave an accurate overview of the underlying behavioral,
cognitive and emotional state of members involved in
this kind of relationships.
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