2016, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2016; 19 (2)
Some reflections about the psychological contributions in control and regulation of type 2 diabetes mellitus
García RJC, Rodríguez CML, Rentería RA, Rodríguez SNY, Melchor BJ
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 622-639
PDF size: 449.35 Kb.
Since 2000, diabetes is the main cause of death in Mexico,
causing 17.2% of deaths. Each hour 38 new cases of diabetes
are diagnosed ad
every two hours five persons die due to
complications originated by this. Diabetes has a direct impact
on the quality of life of patients and it is an incapacitating
disease by micro and macro vascular damages caused to
different levels of the organism.
In Mexico, it is associated with
other health problems such as obesity, hypertension and
vascular diseases.
The purpose of this article is to present a
review of the different behavioral and psychosocial
interventions focused on control and regulation of Diabetes
Mellitus, analyzing various theoretical frameworks mainly within
Cognitive and Behavioral Theory reviewing their contributions
and limitations. Psychological Model of Biological health by
Ribes is proposed in this paper as an alternative approach to
adherence to diet in type II diabetic persons
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