2017, Number 2
Deforming oral habits and malocclusions in children of 'Máximo Gómez' polyclinic
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 456-467
PDF size: 352.99 Kb.
Introduction: deforming oral habits interfere in the regular facial growth and usually cause dental and maxillofacial deformities.Objective: to determine the affectation of deforming oral habits and occlusal alterations in children of 0-11 years of aged at Máximo Gómez Policlinic in Holguín municipality.
Methods: a descriptive cross sectional study was carried out in 132 children selected by stratified sampling to equal, twin fixation by sexes. The most affected group or sex was also determined, dividing them into two groups 0-4 and 5-11 years old according to age.
Results: sucking the pacifier and the nursing bottle were the most common habits (69.69%), followed by atypical swallow (62.87%) or sucking the thumb or other fingers (45.45%). Distocclusion molar relationship was observed in 54 patients (40.90%), followed by marked overjet with spaces between teeth (27.27%) and inferior crowding (25.75%). 101 studied children (76.51%) with some of the occlusal alterations were observed and the group of 5-11 years old was the most affected one.
Conclusions: deforming oral habits were an strengthen practice in childhood, in particular the sucking of pacifier an the nursing bottle and were the cause a great number of dental malocclusions, being distocclussion malocclusion the most frequent alteration in the age group between 5-11 years old more affected age group as well as the male sex.
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