2017, Number 2
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Rev Méd Electrón 2017; 39 (2)
Mucogingival dysfunctions and its treatment, 5 years of following in patients from Matanzas
Brito PK, Cruz MR, Caballero LD
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 269-279
PDF size: 64.76 Kb.
Introduction: The marginal gum, stuck gum, mucous alveolar and union
mucogingival conforms the mucogingival complex and the acquired aberrations of
the morphology, the position and the quantity of gingiva that it surrounds the
teeth, constitute the dysfunctions mucogingivals.
Objective: to determine the behavior of the mucogingival dysfunctions and their
treatment in the service of Periodontology of Odontology Clinical "III Congress of
PCC" in Matanzas, among January 2008 and December 2012.
Materials and methods: it was carried out an observational, descriptive study, in
a population of 329 patients of both sexes.
Results: Periodontitis and the periodontal recession were the most frequent
periodontal affections, with a 58,3 % and 26,9 %, respectively. The periodontal
recession was the mucogingival dysfunction predominant and it showed up most
often in women among 19 and 34 years of age. Of the 51 remitted patients of
Orthodontics that stayed in evolutionary periodontal pursuit most, 42 (82, 4%),
they belonged to the age group from 5 to 11 years. The patients among 35-59
years were those more affected by periimplantitis in both sexes.
Conclusions: Periodontitis and the periodontal recession were the principal
periodontal affections. The periodontal recession and the mucogingival dysfunctions
associated to implanted areas, were more frequent in the female. Most of the
remitted patients of Orthodontics, were in the 5-11 year old group and they stayed
periodontal low evolutionary control. The mucogingival technique of surgery more
used was the free autograft of connective tissue and epithelia in all the ages.
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