2017, Number 2
Alzheimer's disease. Family experience
Verges DEJ, Duval FA
Language: Spanish
References: 7
Page: 61-65
PDF size: 192.36 Kb.
Alzheimer's disease is currently the most common and known of all dementias. It was originally described by Alois Alzheimer in whose honor she has been named, when she was fi rst described clinically in a 51-year-old female patient named Augusta D. She characterized the histopathological alterations of this neurodegenerative disorder that affects the intellectual functions of progressive and leads to death for systemic complications, as occurred with the patient mentioned. Alzheimer's disease means the loss of the person as such and has a devastating impact on the patient and those around him. Regularly take notice of the problem but usually can identify it. They look for solutions that are sometimes not scientifi cally grounded, Are organized in some way to care for their patient and accompany him in the process until the end. The testimony of a family that had several members affected by dementia and the actions they took to face and cope with the illness of their loved ones is the objective of this communication.REFERENCES