2017, Number 1
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Rev Hosp Jua Mex 2017; 84 (1)
Nutritional alterations in patients with neurological diseases
Pérez-Cruz E, Barrientos-Jiménez M, Camacho-Guerra CD, Tapia-Gómez Y, Torres-González KO, Uribe-Quiroz G
Language: Spanish
References: 53
Page: 26-36
PDF size: 233.93 Kb.
Neurological diseases, both acute and chronic, have become one of the major health problems due to the increase of trauma
patients, cerebrovascular diseases and dementia. An adequate nutritional therapy is essential for the recovery of neurological
patients. The evaluation and nutritional requirements are different for each disease and depend on the clinical characteristics
and the patient’s possibilities. The current article reviews the most relevant nutritional aspects of neurological care patients.
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