2014, Number 1
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Arch Med Fam 2014; 16 (1)
Representations and Experiences of Pain in a Group of School children in the State of Guerrero, Mexico Barragán
Solís A, Ramírez ROF
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 3-9
PDF size: 127.88 Kb.
Objective: to explore the representations and practices of pain care in a group of female and male teenagers of elementary and junior high school students in the rural community of San Andres Huixtac, Taxco de Alarcon, Guerrero. To know the conditions of these young students in order to have an overview of the health care needs for this population.
Material and method: The experience of pain is approached from a phenomenological perspective after the application of a survey with open and closed questions, consisting of 20 questions, applied to 100 students from eleven to fifteen years of age, students of the Primary Martyrs of October 27 and the Telesecundaria, José María Pino Suárez of San Andrés Huixtac, Taxco de Alarcon, Guerrero, a town located north of the state of Guerrero, which has 2019 residents, mainly of rural environment and primarily devoted to agriculture. The data are analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively in order to provide elements for health issues and pain in this population. Results: The results of the survey are the most common ailments and diseases, such as influenza, headache and sore throat, pain from bumps and consequences of loneliness, discrimination, violence at school or at home. Regarding the attention to pain, the use of herbs, patent drugs, and emotional care through interaction with social networks are preferred. Data on care representations and practices of pain attention reveal knowledge of a community of pre-Hispanic origin and widely rooted ideas about gender stereotypes. Conclusions: There is a significant difference on gender roles and the perception of pain. Most men and women believe that women are the "weaker, sensitive and fragile" ones, vulnerable to pain and disease. The most sensitive parts of the body referred as the most prone to pain are pain, stomach, upper and lower limbs, and heart; the latter perceived as the center of emotions. The body parts are referred to as more sensitive to pain match the type of conditions that are more prevalent among these adolescents. Among these teenagers, there is an extensive knowledge of herbal remedies, which happen to be both of American origin as those introduced during the conquest and the viceroyalty. On the results of the questioning about the ultimate experience of illness the practice of various complementary medical systems is established.
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