2012, Number S1
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2012; 4 (S1)
Eating patterns at home and school as factors of childhood obesity in Cd. Guzmán, Jalisco. Mexico
Cárdenas-Villalvazo A, Lupita Barreto A, Martínez MG, Aguilera CVG, Acosta AP, Ortiz-Gómez L, López-Espinoza A
Language: Spanish
References: 58
Page: 59-70
PDF size: 317.78 Kb.
The childhood obesity could be associated with different eating
habits on different environments. The aim of this study
was to determine the prevalence of obesity and overweight
and to describe the eating habits at home and at school of
eight to ten years old children from primary schools in Guzmán
City, Jalisco. The prevalence of obesity and overweight was
comparable to the national average; ten years-old boys and
eight years-old girls showed the highest prevalence. Obesogenic
environment was observed at home, rather than at
school. This information will be useful not only to carry out
specific control strategies to local features, but also to assess
national recently implemented strategies whose purpose is
to prevent rising of childhood obesity through modifying
eating behaviors at school.
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