2016, Number 3
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CorSalud 2016; 8 (3)
Sociodemographic characteristics and negative emotional states in patients with cardiovascular disease with surgical indication
Larrinaga SV, Hernández ME, Hernández MD, Crespo CI
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 164-172
PDF size: 633.90 Kb.
Introduction: As time has passed, Health Psychology has become indispensable in the field of study and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Objective: To describe the sociodemographic characteristics and negative emotional states of patients with cardiovascular disease who are awaiting surgery.
Method: A descriptive study was conducted with 63 patients, with indication of cardiac surgery at the Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular of Havana, Cuba, between March and June, 2015. Sociodemographic characteristics were analyzed and the emotional states, anxiety and depression, were evaluated. For this evaluation, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and the Beck Depression Inventory were applied.
Results: The mean age was 59 years, with a predominance of those equal or older than 60 (49.2%). The male gender (63.5%), the married or consensual union (63.5%), the average level of technical education (30.2%), and the employment relationship (44.4%) were also predominant. Most patients presented medium and high levels of anxiety as a negative emotional state, both of trait and state; about half of the patients (46%) had different stages of depression.
Conclusions: The strong emotional states of anxiety and depression are present in patients with cardiovascular disease, who are awaiting surgical treatment. Most of them had mean and high levels of anxiety trait and anxiety state, and different levels of depression.
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