2014, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2014; 17 (1)
A study about the values of the street children
Ayala AM, León MR
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 166-186
PDF size: 684.76 Kb.
Values are regulators of social conduct that are learned in
social institutions, like the school and family, through the
interaction between adults and other children of the same
condition, the values prevail before the moral judgment to
resolve a conflict, where affectivity is also implicit. The role of
the family is fundamental for the internalization of the values,
but it’s not always possible for children to develop inside a
family environment, such is the case of the children that
leave their homes to live on the streets, which abandon their
homes because of lack of economic resources and mainly
because the presence of violence, that’s why the objective of
this investigation was to evaluate and analyze the moral
judgment and the influence of the family in the street child. In
this investigation participated 10 children who had lived the
experience of living in the streets, between 13 and 18 years
old, which had a level of education that was an incomplete
elementary school? They were shown four groups of cards
that represented a story and the values of: responsibility,
tolerance, honesty and respect. Every participant was asked
to tell a story, to give a moral judgment and to identify the
value that the card represented. The participants gave a
coherent moral judgment according to the stories and
correctly identified the value of respect mainly, tolerance in
second place then responsibility and finally honesty, as well
as they gave similar values to the corresponding.
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