2016, Number S3
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2016; 54 (S3)
Measurement of abduction strength in healthy patients
Negrete-Mundo E, Torres-Zavala A
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 248-253
PDF size: 275.13 Kb.
Background: The glenohumeral joint is the most mobile of the body
economy. It is due to the laxity of the joint capsule and shallowness of
the glenoid in relation to the large size of the humeral head, within the
high mobility that owns it is important to determine the normal muscular
force. This paper presents a preliminary database of shoulder abduction
strength in healthy patients. The aim of this paper is to determine the
strength of shoulder abduction in Mexican healthy patients.
Methods: Individuals without shoulder diseases or cervical spine known,
in an age range of 18-65 years old, male and female, organized into 5
groups were included. Anthropometric measurements and abduction
strength test on both shoulders (Kg / force) were performed. The variables
were analyzed statistically with r of Pearson and Spearman
p ‹ 0.05
Results: Analysis by age group, gender and the dominant and nondominant
arm, the maximum force to the dominant arm in male was 26-35
years group with 7.11 Kg/force, while for the same genre nondominant
arm was 46-55 years group with 8.04 Kg/force; the maximum force to the
dominant arm in female was 26-35 years group with 4.35 Kg/force while
for the non-dominant arm of the same gender group was 18-25 with 4.43
Kg/force. Positive correlation of force was observed with the weight and
height, as well as the circumference of the wrist.
Conclusions: The analysis of abduction strength in healthy patients by
age group created a preliminary database will be a framework in acute
and chronic shoulder pathology.
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