2008, Number 1
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Rev Neurol Neurocir Psiquiat 2008; 41 (1)
Mobbing: Corporal manifestations on having lived through a process of labor harassment
Fuentes VR
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 13-20
PDF size: 44.03 Kb.
Introduction. This work gives to account of the corporal
movements and the physical manifestations that live the
people who cross by a labor process of harassment psychological
or mobbing. It is to show that the corporal movements
are accompanied of speeches that hardly can be
detected by the harassed one and the same pursuer at a
first moment, is through a period of time when the people
which they live this harassment show their disagreement
and understand the intentions of the pursuer.
Objective. Explaining that mobbing of harassment,
psychological labor has become a social problem in increase
and we must be informed on its characteristics to
prevent it.
Material and methods. Fast surveys with closed and
wide-ranging questions were applied Eight studies of cases
were taken like most representatives to analyze them
with thoroughly.
Results. The surveys and the eight studies of case that
were applied to men and women showed a variety of experiences
lived by harassment psychological labor in different
working contexts. The information about tends to
diminish the malaise in the people who are victims of harassment.
Conclusion. The collected data of the one hundred fast
surveys showed that the harassment psychological labor
lives on different way by age and gender. Nevertheless,
the women are most susceptible to live it. The erotomaniac
behaviors not only develop to the women but also the
men to it and, they are concealed of cultural aspects make
that them seem the more daily that violent.
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