2017, Number 1
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2017; 18 (1)
Acute ischemic stroke in patients older than 75 years in the first decade of 21st century in Mexico
Ruiz-Sandoval JL, Cantú-Brito C, Chiquete E, Parra-Romero G, Arauz A, Villaseñor-Cabrera TJ, Parada-Garza JD, Pérez-Gómez HR, Barinagarrementeria F, Ramos-Moreno A
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 42-53
PDF size: 278.15 Kb.
Introduction: Cerebrovascular disease incidence increases directly
with population ageing. In Mexico, information about ischemic stroke
(IS) in older patients is scarce.
Objective: To describe and analyze the risk factors, clinical
condition at hospital admission and short-term prognosis in patients
older than 75 years with IS.
Methods: We selected and analyzed all IS patients over 75 years
old from a hospital registry and two multicentric national registries
(PREMIER and RENAMEVASC). Severity was evaluated at admission
with the NIHSS and the functional outcome at thirty-day with the
modified Rankin scale.
Results: From 2,444 IS patients include in the three registries, 982
(40.2%) were over 75 years old; among them, 75 (7.6%) corresponded
to transient ischemic attack and 907 (92.4%) to cerebral infarction
(CI). The main risk factors for CI were: hypertension 70%, diabetes
29%, and atrial fibrillation 23%. Thirty-day mortality was 27%, being
higher among those patients with NIHSS ≥18 and ≥ 85 years old.
Conclusions: IS occurred in 4 of 10 patients aged 75 years or more
in this database, showing a high morbidity and mortality at shortterm.
Hypertension and atrial fibrillation must be appropriately
identified and treated.
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