2017, Number 1
Stress and health in nurses of a tertiary level care unit
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 35-43
PDF size: 335.24 Kb.
In health institutions where there are professionals working directly with other individuals they are exposed to different stressors; depending on the particular form of response, the person may show adjustment behavior to overcome these circumstances or generate maladaptive behaviors that reflect in their health state. This study sought to determine the manifestations of work stress and health in nursing staff in a tertiary health care unit. For this purpose an observational and analytical study was conducted, where the Seppo Aro (ESE) scale of stress symptoms and an instrument build with the purpose to determine the selfrated health, the presence of diseases, their care and their impact on their work were applied. 36.4% of participants were found stressed, the most common symptoms of stress were: stomach acidity, difficulty falling asleep and waking up during the night. 31.5% of the staff presented health problems; in first place with 27.5% gastric problems, as second leading cause of morbidity, diabetes mellitus (21.6 %), and in third place hypertension (15.7 %). The average time for having a disease was 62 months, a 51.2% has gone to a physician in the last 6 months and 23.5% have missed work related to health problems. It is concluded that those who work the night shift are three times more in risk of suffering stress and one of every 3 people suffers from stress and have health problems. It is concluded that those who work the night shift are three times more in risk of suffering stress.REFERENCES
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