2014, Number 2
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2014; 6 (2)
Prosocial behavior: The role of culture, family, school and personality
Garaigordobil M
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 146-157
PDF size: 147.41 Kb.
In this commentary, firstly, the strong points of the target
paper (Mestre, 2014) are emphasized, identifying the most
relevant results, its most significant contributions. Subsequently,
taking the conclusions of Mestre’s study (2014)
into account, a reflection on the factors determining social
behavior is performed. For this purpose, numerous investigations
are reviewed, showing that the development of
prosocial behavior is a complex issue that depends on a
multitude of interrelated factors: biology, culture, family,
school, personality traits, etc. The analysis of the diverse
influences allows stating that prosocial behavior is mediated
or determined by numerous situational and personality
factors. However, the conclusions of the studies assessing
the effects of training programs of prosociability confirm the
efficacy of interventions aimed at promoting this type of behavior.
Lastly, as emphasized in the target paper, the second
most powerful educational context is the school, and in
Mestre’s study (2014), a low level of victimization was shown
to be a predictor of prosocial behavior. Therefore, some
intervention programs are identified that promote socioemotional
development (prosocial behavior, empathy…)
and inhibit violent behavior.
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