2014, Number 2
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2014; 6 (2)
Family and school explaining child and adolescent's adaptation
del Barrio V
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 137-145
PDF size: 128.90 Kb.
In this comment it is begun by a summary of the investigation
of Mestre (2014) and his equipment where there appears the
path and evolution of his works and the conductive thread of
the same ones, so much in his theoretical as applied slope. The
analysis of the present work leads to considering the relative
importance that has the context, both family and school, in
the explanation of the conduct adapted or maladjusted of
the children and teenagers and how the personal and demographic
aspects are revealed as those that still preserve
a major explanatory force. There is done a comparison of his
results by the literature on the topic, especially on the one
that has been carried out in Spanish population and that has
a great proximity of sample and results. It puts on attention
to the figure of the father because he is that till now has
been isolated and a major focusing deserves. Finally a series
of suggestions was made respect future investigations that
go deeply into the psychobiologic aspects that already were
present to the beginning of his investigation and that they
appear like relevant in the explanation of the studied variables.
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