2016, Number 1
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2016; 8 (1)
Comorbidity between alcohol and tobacco use, and addiction to the new information technologies: Assessment of the BIS/BAS model
Pulido RMA, Hernández AAM, Irecta BC, Reynoso AM, Rivera-Fong L, Silos SMJ, Valdez OD, Valenzuela AM
Language: Spanish
References: 56
Page: 19-35
PDF size: 158.94 Kb.
This paper reports the results of two research studies. The first
one assessed the correlation between alcohol and tobacco
abuse, and five scales that measure addiction to five different
technological applications (internet, social networks, mobile
phone, online gaming and online pornography). A sample of
600 college students answered the battery. Results showed a
direct correlation between the scales; those between alcohol
consumption and technological addictions were considerably
higher than their counterparts with tobacco abuse.
In a second study the same battery and the BIS/BAS scale
were answered by a sample of 622 college students. Results
showed that BAS-Search is a common predictor of alcohol
abuse and some technological addictions. BAS-Drive predicts
abuse of information technologies that are used to interact
with other individuals.
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