2015, Number 52
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Oral 2015; 16 (52)
Efficacy of two trademarks of chelating to remove the residuallayer
Castro SIA, Morales CV, Castro SGY, Peraza GFJ, Morgan OF, Verdugo BL, López XOL.
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1274-1278
PDF size: 2418.90 Kb.
Smear layer is a detrimental consequence of instrumentation during
the preparation of tne root canal beca use ít prevents the penetratian
of irrigants, medicaments and filling meteríais inside the denti nal
tu bu le and tnat they acnieve tnei r effect in the cnannel wall.
Compare tne effectiveness of twa brands of cnelating and twa
irrigation metnods for the removol of tne smear layer. Material and
methads. 22 single-rooted tooth organs were standardized to 13mm.
Ten pieces were i rrigated with S mear Clear and 1 O witn MD-Cienaser
in each group five were irrigated witn syringe and fivewith ultrasound.
Tne píeces were observad under a scanning electron microscope to
evoluate tne presence of smear layer in the a pica 1 tnird. Statislical
methods. lrrigation metnods and brands chelators were compared
witn a generalizad linear model and Chi - square tests.
Results. MDCieanser
was more effective for the removol of smear layer (40 %)
comparad with Smear Clear (20 %). By combining brands and
method was observed that MD-Ciea nser ond ultrasonic irrigation was
superior lo the otner combinations.
Conclusions. MD-Cieanser and
ultrasonic irrigation is the combination of brand cnelating and
irrigation method more effective for removing the Smear layer.
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