2016, Number 5
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Rev Clin Esc Med 2016; 6 (5)
CASO -2016: Adulto eutiroideo con oftalmopatía de Graves unilateral: reporte de caso y revisión de tema
Coste MP, López SO
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 662.70 Kb.
Graves’ or thyroid ophthalmopathy is a condition confined to the orbit in which an immune reaction to an autoantigen, which is probably the TSH receptor, causes an inflammatory reaction affecting the extraocular muscles and orbital tissue1. Just a small percentage of patients with ophtalmophaty are euthyroid and even a smaller percentage, have unilateral or asymmetrical involvement. The nat-ural history of unilateral TAO is unknown2. This is a case report and review of an euthyroid patient with unilateral thyroid ophthalmopathy.
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Consensus statement of the European Group on Graves’ Orbitopathy (EU-GOGO) on management of Graves’ or-bitopathy. Thyroid 2008;18:333-346.
Mourits MP, van Kempen-Harteveld ML, Garcia MB, et al. Radiotherapy for Graves’ orbitopathy: randomized pla-cebo-controlled study. Lancet 2000;355:1505-1509.