2014, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2014; 17 (4)
Daily satisfaction program: a case study for treating addiction in prison
Castellanos LGE
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1597-1621
PDF size: 729.41 Kb.
Addiction is a social problem to be linked to crime and a public
health problem because cause reduction quality life on the
individual. If we think in conditions in Federal District’s jails,
treatments for addiction are necessary for reduce the impact of
these factors over individual’s life and in the dynamics of
institutions too. The objective of this study was to apply the
Daily Satisfaction Program (DSP) in one inmate in a Federal
District jail like an alternative option to treatments that are
provided within that prison (Alcoholics Anonymous and
Residential clinic by Minnesota model) because the user has
proved both treatments without reach abstinence. While not
meet the goal of abstinence as such during the 12 months after
treatment, there is a decrease in the consumption pattern,
because he reduced the amount and the frequency of it. The
therapeutic objectives were reaching to stimulate that the user
has achieved his abstinence starting from fourth session and
during 8 months.
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