2015, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2015; 18 (4)
Narrative therapy, an alternative for drug misuse treatment
Diaz NCB, Gutiérrez VSEG, Fernández CC
Language: Spanish
References: 107
Page: 1539-1569
PDF size: 577.78 Kb.
We advocate in this paper for the application of a
narrative perspective in the treatment of drug abuse. On
the basis of a review of some of its antecedents –namely,
social constructionism, poststructuralism, family therapy,
illness narrative and "postmodern" psychology–, as well
as a brief appraisal of the general principles of a narrative
psychology, we identify three relevant domains of the
therapeutic application of this approach, highlighting its
implications and contributions to the treatment and social
reintegration of persons with problems with drugs. These
domains include: 1) constructing a collaborative
relationship, 2) exercising deconstruction of “naturalized”
notions, and 3) inducing significant integrative effects.
We argue, at last, the convenience of the narrative
approach in addressing substance abuse, as an
alternative to therapeutic approaches currently dominant
in this field.
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