2016, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2016; 32 (2)
Application of the clinical method for the diagnosis of patients with non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding
González SG
Language: Spanish
References: 52
Page: 258-267
PDF size: 73.62 Kb.
The use of the clinical method for accurate diagnosis of diseases in humans arises
with the birth of medicine in ancient Greece and its fundamental components doctorpatient
relationship, interrogation, physical examination and history clinic; the latter is
its most important data collection tool. It reflects on the importance of its correct
application to reach an accurate diagnosis in patients with non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding starting in primary health care which can achieve early
diagnosis of this condition and avoid complications that occur in these patients when
the diagnosis is delayed, so far thought of the death of the clinical method, its
relevance and importance in contemporary medicine is unquestionable.
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