2015, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2015; 18 (2)
Estudio de casos sobre afrontamiento familiar ante enfermedades crónicas en niños y adolescentes
Serrano PAC
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 706-732
PDF size: 525.51 Kb.
The family coping involved in health refers to the type of
response to situations of family health - disease. Is one of the
psychological categories of methodological theoretical family
health model developed in Cuba since 2004. Although existing
research on this type of coping, there are many difficulties for
insertion into a coherent global model, there are theoretical
gaps and methodological resolved. The objectives of this
research were designed to recognize the existence of family
confrontations with the disease and characterize this response
in families of pediatric patients suffering from sickle cell anemia,
cerebral palsy and drug dependence. It is a qualitative research
with case study design multiple systematically developed in the
period 2009-2014. The technique of inquiry was in-depth
interviews and analysis and interpretation of the data was
performed by the method of Grounded Theory. They emerged
psychological configurations that theoretically underlie the
existence of family coping with the situations studied.
Regularities that characterize a group behavior that passes
through a time axis and the presence of family coping scenarios
argues established. The typical family confrontations in the
case studies is legitimate.
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