2017, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2017; 25 (1)
Quality of life and spiritual perspective of hospitalized patients with heart disease
Jasso-Soto ME, Pozos-Magaña MG, Cadena-Estrada JC, Olvera-Arreola SS
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 9-17
PDF size: 328.58 Kb.
Introduction: Heart diseases encompass several chronic diseases that can affect the quality of life
(QoL) of people. In this sense, spirituality plays an important role, given that by using it patients
can find the necessary strength to overcome the disease on the basis of their beliefs and practices.
Objective: To analyze the QoL and the spiritual perspective of hospitalized patients facing a heart
Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study in a random sample of 297 heart disease patients of
both sexes. Data were collected under informed consent with the Spiritual Perspective Scale and
the WHOQOL-BREF. The analysis was descriptive. To analyze the variables quality of life and spirituality
we used Pearson’s correlation coefficient and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, and
we compared them with Student’s
t test and Mann-Whitney
U test.
Results: 53.5% perceived their QoL as normal, and 44.8% as good; 68% had a high level of spirituality.
The QoL was related to spirituality (
r = 0.164,
p = 0.005), especially with the beliefs (
r = 0.214,
p = 0.000); the academic degree was associated with QoL (
rs = − 0.288,
p = 0.000), but not with
spirituality (
rs = −0.030,
p = 0.606). Spirituality is greater in women (
Z = 2.245,
p = 0.025).
Conclusions: Patients with heart disease increase their practices and spiritual beliefs. This contributes
to the perception of their quality of life.
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