2015, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2015; 18 (2)
Neuropsychological and personality differences in individuals with and without antisocial traits
Vega CJI, Dzib AJP
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 564-585
PDF size: 466.18 Kb.
The relationship between deficits in some executive functions
and personality disorders with antisocial behavior provides
an essential framework for the legal field and the
development of programs for prevention and treatment of
violence. However, most studies being conducted about with
prison population, and few studies deal with the normal
population. The present study attempts to determine whether
the relationship between executive functions and personality
disorders with antisocial behavior also occur between normal
people with antisocial traits.
Method: An non-experimental
explanatory study was performed. 37 security guards
participated in the present study. 21 guards formed the group
with high antisocial traits and 16 formed the low antisocial
traits group. Executive functions were assessed with the
neuropsychological battery of executive functions and frontal
lobes; and personality disorders were assessed by the
Personality Inventory Assessment; finally the measures of
the two groups were compared.
Results: Only statistically
significant differences between groups (‹0.1) on the
functions involved in the orbitofrontal cortex were found. On
the other hand, the group with high antisocial traits had
higher comorbidity with symptoms of other personality
Conclusions: Identify that there are neurobiological
and personality factors asocciated with antisocial behavior in
normal people could improve treatment and prevention
programs. Practical implications are discussed.
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