2015, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2015; 18 (1)
Self-esteem and entrepreneurial skills in high school students
Núñez RMA
Language: Spanish
References: 73
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The aim of this research is to evaluate the association
between self-esteem and entrepreneurial skills in high school
students. We were based on the premise wich maintains that
self-esteem is one of the constituent elements of the
entrepreneur psychology. From the theory of planned
behavior is possible to approach to the development of
entrepreneurial skills through the attitudinal, where selfesteem
plays a very important role. A correlational study and
quantitative methodology with a non-experimental design
was used. It was found through a sample comprised of 77
high school students that self-esteem is associated in a
positive and significant way with the entrepreneurial skills.
We observed that self-esteem can be a predictor of
entrepreneurship, because it has a positive influence on the
entrepreneurial skills. The results were obtained using
correlation of Spearman and structural equation modeling.
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