2015, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2015; 18 (1)
Competences for self-involvement in teachers with low and high psychoprofessional well-being
Serio HÁ, Rosales ÁM, Jiménez BH
Language: Spanish
References: 29
PDF size: 432.87 Kb.
In recent times we are beginning to see a growing number of
research and developments published under the heading of
teacher welfare. Undoubtedly, the academic success of
students depends to a large extend on the welfare of teachers
in their working environment. This work is part of the IBYS
program (Action Program for the Wellness and Satisfaction of
Teachers). The IBYS program consists of four personal-guides.
Each guide works through various psycho-professional
competences. The objective of this research, which has been
developed though correlational methodology, is to establish
which competences can characterize teachers with good levels
of psycho-professional well-being and also to find out which are
the contra-competences of teachers with low well-being. The
sample consists of 509 teachers in the Canary Islands (Spain).
The instruments used are the 3PD (Psycho-professional Profile
of Teachers) and IBADA (Self-assessed Teaching Well-being
Inventory). Significant results have been obtained which show
that teachers with high levels of welfare, when compared to
teachers with lower professional welfare assessment, have a
distinctive competence profile.
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