2013, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2013; 16 (4)
Emotions around the spanish tavern, between pride and revulsion of class
Hidalgo García-Orellán S
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 1313-1338
PDF size: 617.64 Kb.
This paper aims to analyze the places where alcohol is
ingested, among which are the tavern and the club. Both places
are central in the dispute between the bourgeois culture and
socialist culture in their struggle for political legitimacy. The
study is focused in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
century in Spain. The importance of these spaces is that both
cultures agree with hygienic ideas, whose aim a society made
up of healthy subjects. These healthy subjects would have
political rights. Here lies the importance for different political
cultures to politicize the healthy body. The bourgeoisie
categorizes workers going to the tavern as disgusting bodies,
and Socialism enters the debate, accusing the bourgeois as
vicious, due to their assistance to the club. Thus, the class
struggle is moved to the realm of the body, a body shaped by
emotions. But besides marking the dispute between
bourgeoisie and workers, the tavern will be discussed within
Socialism. For workers, this place is where working sociability
develops, is a place of transgression and where they reassert
their emotional style and masculinity. Thus, workers don´t
accept the categorization of disgust to refer to tavern. So,
Socialism moves among categorize tavern as disgusting or as
the space where the worker class reinforces its body. In the
case we are analyzing, Basque Socialism, tavern has the
second meaning. There it develops the so called “tavern
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