2016, Number 3
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2016; 17 (3)
ADHD with and without anxiety in children: clinical, sociodemographic and neuropsychological characterization
Polanco-Barreto ÁM, Arboleda-Bustos H, Ávila JE, Vásquez R
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 49-59
PDF size: 171.58 Kb.
Introduction: Disorder attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with anxiety
disorder (TA) has shown to have greater clinical
complexity in comparison with ADHD without
comorbidity. Within this investigation was
considered to better understand the picture of
ADHD and as such see the possible variability can
come to shop with comorbidity, it was necessary
to make a clinical, socio-demographic and perform
their analysis with the results of neuropsychological
Objective: To determine the clinical,
sociodemographic and neuropsychological
characterization of children diagnosed with ADHD
with and without anxiety and identify significant
differences between groups. Sample: 30 patients
diagnosed with ADHD with anxiety, 29 ADHD
without comorbidity and 33 controls.
Material and methods: An new instrument
(questionnaire) was designed to identify the
sociodemographic data, medical history and an
interview was collected. a database for organizing
them was constructed, the results and analysis of
neuropsychological characterization resumed.
Results: There are significant differences in
the results of the characterization of the two
groups of cases, especially in the group generating
comorbidity different factors compared to the
ADHD group without anxiety that comes close to
presenting risk factors associated with aging.
Conclusions: The clinical, demographic and
neuropsychological picture of the two groups has
a different evolution of the disorder.
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