2016, Number 5
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Salud Mental 2016; 39 (5)
Barreras en la transferencia de la tecnología: Un estudio cualitativo de las intervenciones breves y los centros de atención a las adicciones
Martínez MKI, Pacheco TAY, Echeverría SVL, Medina-Mora ME
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 257-265
PDF size: 242.33 Kb.
The transfer and translation of programs with scientific evidence to
clinical scenarios is often limited by a number of barriers for their
implementation, making it difficult to provide benefits for a society that
requires effective services.
The aim of this study was to identify the barriers for the adoption
of brief intervention programs for the treatment of alcohol and other
drugs abuse at addiction treatment centers in Mexico.
This is a qualitative study with a purposive sample consisting of 16
experts on transfer processes. Focused interviews were conducted and
transcribed, and the data were subjected to content analysis.
The results reported several barriers for the adoption of programs in
clinical scenarios. These include the following: bureaucratic procedures
and institutional policies, lack of knowledge of the theoretical
bases of the program and the diversity of users demanding the service.
Discussion and conclusion
The study discusses the fact that the technology transfer process requires
a deliberate, combined effort to ensure the implementation of
programs in clinical scenarios. The barriers identified by the actors
involved in the process should be considered in the development of
strategies to disseminate brief intervention programs.
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