2016, Number 2
Health status and perception of the family relations in elder adults
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 28-38
PDF size: 276.26 Kb.
Introduction: the present study was oriented to Psychology of Health towards individual, family and social variables, related to health and life quality in a group of elder adults.Objective: to characterize the health status and perception of the family relations in elder adults from a 120 years old Club in San José de las Lajas.
Methods: a descriptive transversal study with methodological quanti–qualitative approach was performed in San José de las Lajas from September, 2014 to May, 2015. From a universe formed by 131 elder adults, an intentional sample of 44 subjects was selected, which represented the 33.5 % of the total of the cases. A health questionnaire, SF-36, and the perception of family relations test in the elderly were applied. The statistical processing was carried out by analysis of contingence by χ2 docimo using InfoStat software.
Results: a high health status in relation to the physical function prevailed (95,45 %) and the physical role (81,82 %), while general health dimension reached the lowest value (50 %). Elderly adults with high health status that perceived good family relations prevailed.
Conclusions: high level in most of the dimensions of health status in elderly adults prevailed in the 120 years old club. A significant relation between the high level of health status and the perception of good family relations was determined.
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