2016, Number 4
A proposal to introduce the topic of the aging process into the syllabus of Comprehensive Medicine Specialty
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 483-488
PDF size: 157.40 Kb.
Introduction: from the previous academic years of medical studies the issues related to the process of aging have been emphasized and introduced into the syllabus of Comprehensive Medicine Specialty.Objective: to design a proposal to introduce the issues of aging into the syllabus of Comprehensive Medicine Specialty.
Methods: a pedagogical study guided by the dialectical materialistic method was conducted, which allowed the use of theoretical and empirical methods. Within the first group the induction-deduction and historical-logical method was applied, performing a documentary analysis to the second group, a review of the syllabuses and the methodological guidelines for Comprehensive Medicine Subject along with a literature examination of the topic were examined.
Results: the introduction of ten topics comprising the process of aging was designed to be introduced into the syllabus of Comprehensive Medicine Subject, in order to enhance the training of a comprehensive professional into the specialty including the issues related to aging, ensuring this way a higher quality of health care services for the elderly in Primary Health Care.
Conclusions: the topics proposed are a way for a comprehensive training of medical students, as well as strong support in providing health care services during the aging process.
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