2016, Number 4
Alveolitis in emergency dental services
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 404-409
PDF size: 294.66 Kb.
Background: alveolitis is the most common and painful postoperative complication after tooth extraction.Objective: to determine the characteristics of alveolitis in emergency dental services.
Methods: a case series study was conducted at the "Ormani Arenado" Dental Clinic in Pinar del Rio province during 2014. The sample included 80 patients who met the diagnostic criteria. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, time of onset, affected region, and risk factors. Data were collected in a form designed for this purpose.
Results: women were most affected by alveolitis, accounting for 60% of all cases. The 48-62 age group predominated. Alveolitis was most commonly diagnosed the second and third day after tooth extraction, 28.7% and 38.75%, respectively. The lower jaw was the most affected region (61.25%) and the most frequent predisposing factor was a traumatic extraction (47.50%).
Conclusions: in the population studied, traumatic tooth extractions were an important risk factor for the development of alveolitis. This condition appeared mostly during the second and third day after extraction, mainly in the lower jaw.
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