2016, Number 4
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Rev Méd Electrón 2016; 38 (4)
Cornelia de Lange syndrome. Presentation of a case of nursery related with Ida Orlando theory
Moldes AM, González RM, Prado SLA, Ortega GMM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 585-594
PDF size: 392.25 Kb.
In 1933, a Dutch pediatrician, PhD Cornelia de Lange described two children with
similar characteristics. Nowadays she is recognized as the one who described the
symptoms encompassing the syndrome named after her. It is a congenital multiple
malformative disorder, determined by its facial characteristics associated to pre and
postnatal grow retardation, mental retardation of variable level, and, in some
cases, anomalies of the upper parts. Many of the symptoms appear at birth and at
early ages.
The process of nursery care is the scientific method ruling Nursery professionals’
performance, related to a theoretical basis and developing analytical skills that,
practically applied, strike on patients’ improvement. This work was carried out with
the aim of presenting a few frequent case of Cornelia de Lange Syndrome,
performing the Nursery care process according to Ida Orlando theoretical model.
It deals with female, white, 10-months patient who entered the Intensive Care
Service of the Provincial Pediatric Hospital “Eliseo Noel Caamaño”, of Matanzas
when she was two months. Relating Ida Rolando’s theory to this Nursery care
process allowed the patient’s integral care, and developed the practical skills of
Nursery care, besides promoting the critical reasoning for the sake giving a quality
and scientifically focused care.
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