2016, Number 2
Sepsis and Artificial Nutrition in malnourished critical patients
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 6-13
PDF size: 388.06 Kb.
Objective: To relate the repercussion of the sepsis with malnutrition and the nutritional support in critical patients, according to interesting epidemiological variables.Method: A descriptive and applied study was conducted among March 2014 and January 2015 at Intermediate care service of “Saturnino Lora Torres” Clinical Surgery and Educational Hospital in Santiago de Cuba. The sample taken was of 32 septic and malnourished patients whom were subject to nutritional validation after 7 days and an artificial nutrition to evaluate interrelation among sepsis, malnutrition and nutritional support.
Results: The 65 and more group was predominant in the investigation with 15 patients to a 46.9%, prevailing the Parenteral Total Nutrition with 14 cases to a 43.7%.In the study the patients with acute sepsis represented a 46.9% and in this group the major of ill persons were acute malnourished. Previous Infections of digestive system were the more frequently with the total of 11 ill persons to a 34,4%.
Conclusions: There is a very powerful interrelationship of negatively to the serious sick between Parenteral Nutrition, severity of sepsis and severity of malnutrition, in such a way that while more intense it a more perpetuates negatively to the other triggering finally a bad evolution of these patients that even can lead to death.
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