2015, Number 2
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Cuba y Salud 2015; 10 (2)
LASM Institutional Repository of Educational Content
Ochoa AA, Pérez ÁD, Bles PY
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 2-9
PDF size: 941.26 Kb.
Objective: To implement the repository service that facilitates its management, preservation and
reutilization of educational resources, as well as the establishment of self-safe policies and free access
in the Latin American School of Medicine (LASM).
Method: A descriptive transverse study was performed for carrying out a project of technological
development, from September 2012 to January 2013. A group of 13 key informants were used. The
historical-logical analysis, the documentary analysis, the analysis and synthesis of the information and
the interview, made to the group of key informants, were the methods used to identify the content
requirements, format of files and organization of the content.
Results: The repository is made with Eprints, it stores educational resources, in different formats,
research projects, reports and presentations, alsopapers of Masters and Doctors’ degrees, organized
by content indexes, itallows self-saving and establish the semimediated storage as publishing modality.
Service is available for the Intranet users in: http://archivoelam.sld.cu.
Conclusions: For designing the repository, the application of Eprints was determined which has the
semimediated storage as publishing modality and permitssavingeducational resources, papers of
Masters and Doctors’ degreesin any formats, arranged by indexes. It is available for Internet users.
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