2016, Number 1
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2016; 8 (1)
Effectiveness of the team with-Trex MJ in the rehabilitation of postsurgical affections of knees. Presentation of a case
Govantes BY, Pazo MPL, Cisneros PV
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 99-110
PDF size: 184.04 Kb.
The surgical treatment of knees affections unchains muscular disequilibrium that
represents a challenge for many physiatrics. To compensate this muscular deficit
has used modern biomechanical systems of high technology as Con-Trex MJ that
facilitate an effective therapeutic training with the use of several modalities of
isokinetic and ballistic movement. The aim of this articles it describes the case of a
patient it entered in the National Center of Rehabilitation "Julio Diaz", with the
diagnosis of articular rigidity of the knee, post surgical treatment evaluated in the
service of Osteomuscular Lesions. After being examined establish rule of a program
of conventional rehabilitation of 20 sessions daily with 4 h of duration and 20
sessions of isokinetic training with the equipment Con-Trex MJ. At 8 weeks
reevaluated the parameters, compares the articular progression and it is observed
clinical and functional improvement of the articular amplitude, the muscular force,
the fatigue and the total work of the muscular overworked by demonstrating the
effectiveness of the equipment in this type of treatment.
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