2016, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2016; 27 (3)
Information management system for electronic medical records in alternative therapies
Beltrán GA, Bojacá BA, Martínez RR, Duarte AN, García TMA, Saavedra PIP
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 311-326
PDF size: 539.38 Kb.
The use of alternative therapies is on the increase in health care. Most of the health
institutions currently rendering such services keep manual records of therapeutic
interventions, resulting in inconveniences such as the possible loss of information,
lack of patient control and follow-up, lack of interaction and interoperability with
conventional medical records, and inability to develop statistical studies based on
data from those records. The paper presents an information management system
for electronic medical records in alternative therapies based on a conceptual model
and an interoperability model based on the Health Level 7 (HL7) standard. For the
design of the conceptual model, in addition to the literature review, a mixed
research study was conducted with a descriptive observational design using a
convenience sample of seven teachers and eleven experts on alternative therapies.
Participants were asked about the characteristics of the instruments and tools used
by information management experts. A model proposal was developed which was
validated by the experts. For the interoperability model account was taken of the
technical and syntactic aspects involved in the design of a service architecture for
message submission and reception. For syntactic interoperability a message
structure was designed based on HL7 and patient information.
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