2016, Number 2
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2016; 63 (2)
Zika: A bioethical dilemma?
García SE
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 76-78
PDF size: 228.88 Kb.
The Zika is a disease that reaches Mexico, produced by an arbovirus spread by a mosquito Aedes aegpti. Zika virus causes mild and self limiting febrile illness. In complications from disease caused by Zika virus in pregnant microcephaly product it is of greater importance, although it has been associated with the syndrome Guillen-Barre. It is recommended that pregnant women in any trimester avoid traveling to areas where transmission of the virus is present. If you are traveling must strictly follow measures to avoid mosquito bites while traveling. Although the answer to whether to avoid pregnancy or not to travel to areas at risk for infection Zika, is very personal, it should remember that it is in the light of bioethics, where the principles and moral values are measured and their relationship health, respect the decision of the patient is paramount, based on existing scientific information the disease caused by this virus can remain asymptomatic. So that ethically and morally should follow the directions of the Health Authority for the control of this disease
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