2016, Number 3
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Salud Mental 2016; 39 (3)
Conductas alimentarias de riesgo y correlatos psicosociales en estudiantes universitarios de primer ingreso con sobrepeso y obesidad
Unikel SC, Díaz LVC, Rivera MJA
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 141-148
PDF size: 217.72 Kb.
The beginning of college studies involves important stress, which is
related to an increase in the incidence of depression, anxiety, alcohol
abuse and DEB.
To analyze the relationship between DEB and nutritional status measured
with BMI, its association with demographic and psychological
variables, and the interaction with BMI.
A sample of 892 college students in their freshman year (502 females
and 390 males) (X
age=19.7; SD=2.9) was studied. Weight and height
were measured, and validated questionnaires were used.
The prevalence of DEB was 6.1% in females and 4.1% in males. The
prevalence of overweight and obesity in females was 22.6%, and
7.4% and 26.6% and 9.3% in males, respectively. Among women
and men with obesity 10.8% and 11.1% showed high-DEB, whilst
among overweight women and men 13.2% and 3.8% showed high-
DEB, respectively. BMI increases the risk for DEB 1.6 times among
women (
p ‹ 0.05), 1.4 times among men (
p › 0.05). There was no
interaction found between BMI and the other variables.
Discussion and conclusion
The variables related with body image increase the risk of DEB significantly
p ‹ 0.05) in both sexes. Depressive symptoms, low self-steem
increase the risk among women, and socioeconomic status and study
area increase the risk of DEB among men. The specific research of
DEB among males is highly recommended to avoid the under registration
of cases.
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