2016, Number 3
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Salud Mental 2016; 39 (3)
Factores psicológicos y/o psiquiátricos presentes en pacientes desertores de protocolo de preparación para cirugía bariátrica
Hernández ASV, Esquivias ZH, Maldonado RMC, Ruiz-Velasco AS, Reséndiz BAM
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 131-139
PDF size: 194.47 Kb.
Severe obesity is the chronic disease with the highest prevalence
around the world. It affects the life quality of patients in terms of physical
and mental health. Although there are a variety of treatments for
severe obesity, dropout rates are between 40% to 80%.
To identify the psychological and/or psychiatric factors presented in
the initial evaluation of patients with severe obesity who deserted the
preparation protocol for bariatric surgery and stablish differences between
them and those who didn’t defected.
An analytical observational open study of cases (deserters) and controls
(non deserters), retrospective, transversal, with a sample of 286
files of patients candidates for bariatric surgery from General Hospital
“Dr. Manuel Gea Gonzalez” in Mexico City selected by simple
random sampling fulfilling desertion variable, with a BMI of 44.77
2 ± 7.47 and 37.45 ± 9.94 years old and were selected by
non-probabilistic convenience sample.
Significant differences were found: gender (men drop out more), deserters
patients showed a higher prevalence in post-traumatic stress
disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, binge eating, isolation,
impaired cognitive function and greater family and social dysfunction
than non-deserters. A multivariate analysis of these factors
showed that being male, having little social support, present a binge
eating disorder, have a greater number of absences to appointments
during treatment, are factors contributing to attrition.
Discussion and conclusion
There are psychological/psychiatric variables that could be established
as risk factors for dropping out, increasing the possibility of
affecting the patient’s physical and emotional well-being.
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