2015, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 2015; 41 (3)
Intervention strategy on the perception of epidemiological factors for cervical cancer
Castro CY, Falcón DM, Valdés IK, Díaz MC, Martínez MTG
Language: Spanish
References: 17
PDF size: 236.34 Kb.
Introduction: Nowadays cancer is a serious health problem in Cuba and worldwide.
Objectives: To design and implement an educational intervention program to increase knowledge on epidemiological factors associated with cervical cancer, to identify the presence of these factors in women with altered cytology and to determine the level of knowledge of supposedly healthy women.
Methods: A
quasi-experimental longitudinal research was conducted in the region known as Consejo Popular Zona Sur, in 5 de Septiembre Outpatient Polyclinic, in Consolación del Sur Municipality, from January to December 2012. The target group consisted of 687 females and the sample, of 248, out of which 48 had positive cytological smear tests and 200 were apparently healthy. For processing the data collected, descriptive and inferential statistics were used, applying the McNemar test to assess significant differences between variables.
Results: The altered cytology was more frequent in the age group 30-34 years and the intracervix neoplasia stage was the most prevalent. 91.6% of the 48 women had positive cytology with associated infection, out of which 39.5% was by the human papillomavirus. 72.9% started to practice sexual intercourse at age 17 or younger, 56% had three or more births.
Conclusions: In supposedly healthy women, low level of knowledge on epidemiological factors associated with cervical cancer was perceived. Upon the conduction of the intervention, knowledge of epidemiological factors associated with cervical cancer increased.
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