2015, Number 6
Community social work in patients with dementia disorders
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1084-1093
PDF size: 1618.23 Kb.
Introduction: dementia has gradually increased and is currently ten times more frequent than in the early twentieth century, it has no cure and gradually evolves; it motives to conduct this work.Objective: to identify the scope of the problem establishing a strategy to deal with this entity in the community.
Material and Method: a cross-sectional, descriptive-observational and interventional study was carried out with the patients registered at No-154 Doctor’s Office suffering from dementia disorders at Celso Maragato Lara People's Council of Pinar del Rio during January to April 2014. The target group comprised 114 old people registered in that doctor’s office. The sample consisted of 65 patients older than 60 years diagnosed with dementia disorders.
Results: the most affected groups were those aged 70-79, 80 and older predominantly female. The main etiology was: ischemic dementia followed by Alzheimer's disease, in the first moderate-mild cognitive impairment prevailed; while in the second marked dementia. The main risks were: associated diseases, toxic habits, accidents, and nutritional risks. Health problems of the caregivers were hypertension, psychological disorders (anxiety, depression, sleep disorders) and digestive disorders. Social work actions were aimed at patients and caregiver. Among the main ones: educational talks, training to manage the disease and how to deal with it, medical and psychological support, improvements in the material conditions for patients and families.
Conclusions: the achievement of a small but important group of patients was incorporated to the grandparents club accompanied by their caregivers.
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