2015, Number 6
Markers of tissular hypoperfusion and its relationship with mortality in patients with septic shock
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1075-1083
PDF size: 1467.62 Kb.
Introduction: septic shock results in many deaths, and microcirculatory guided therapy could improve mortality variables.Objective: to determine the relationship between the markers of tissular hypoperfusion and the mortality in patients admitted with the diagnosis of septic shock in the intensive care units of Abel Santamaría Cuadrado General Teaching Hospital from September 2013 to April 2015.
Material and Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional prospective study was conducted with patients suffering from septic shock who were admitted to the ICU. Data were obtained from medical records; the universe comprised 168 patients diagnosed with septic shock, the sample included 35 patients older than 18 years old admitted within the 6 hours, excluding seriously-ill new mothers.
Results: microcirculatory markers were more related to mortality than the microcirculation, being highly significant and in response to the resuscitation at 24 hours significantly. The ratio of the arterial O2 saturation less than 75% and the central venous O2 saturation less than 70% win relation to the mortality was very significant. Patients who presented an arteriovenous difference greater CO2b equal to 6 mmHg, and an excess of basis less than -4 bases died, being very significant.
Conclusions: to guide the therapeutic behavior by microcirculatory hemodynamic markers that predict mortality rates and to carry out an appropriate conduct with patients suffering from septic shock, reducing complications and deaths.
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