2016, Number 2
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Gac Med Mex 2016; 152 (2)
Competence development in undergraduate medical schools: a model with entrusted professional activities
Torruco-García U, Ortiz-Montalvo A, Varela-Ruiz ME, Hamui-Sutton A
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 173-190
PDF size: 823.73 Kb.
Introduction: Today´s relevant educational models emphasize that a great part of learning be situated and reflexive; one of
those is the Entrusted Professional Activities model. The study objective was to develop a model that integrates Entrusted
Professional Activities with a medical school curriculum.
Methods: From October 2012 a multidisciplinary group met to develop
a model with the specialty of obstetrics and gynecology. From two published models of Entrusted Professional Activities and
the curriculum of a school of medicine, blocks, units, and daily clinical practice charts were developed. The thematic content
of the curriculum was integrated with the appropriate milestones for undergraduate students and the clinical practice needed
to achieve it.
Results: We wrote a manual with 37 daily clinical practice charts for students (18 of gynecology and 19 of
obstetrics) and 37 for teachers. Each chart content was the daily clinical practice, reflection activities, assessment instruments, and bibliography.
Conclusions: It is feasible to combine a model of Entrusted Professional Activities with an undergraduate
curriculum, which establishes a continuum with postgraduate education.
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