2016, Number 1
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2016; 7 (1)
Proposal of Dentistry Geriatric contents in the preparation of the Dental Assistant Technician
Ramos LM, Frade PEE, Hernández VJC, Cantillo EEM, Ruiz BC
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 22-31
PDF size: 577.45 Kb.
Elder people have problems in their mouth cavity. This doesn't contribute to their physical and mental well-being. In Cuba the main objective of Medical Education is to prepare the new generations of professionals in order to satisfy the society's demands as well as the people who are in the longevity stage, due to the fact that our aging figures can be compared to those from developed countries. In this research a proposal of dentistry geriatric contents in the Health Promotion Syllabus was designed for the preparation of Dental Assistant Technicians and some methodological guidelines were exposed for this purpose. This research was sustained on the technician's knowledge about elder people, the analysis of the Health Promotion syllabus and the specialists' opinions about this topic. The study proved the importance of the inclusion of dentistry geriatric contents in the preparation of Dental Assistant Technicians because this provides these students with the basic tools to develop the educational and preventive work with elder people in the dental consultation or in the community.
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