2016, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2016; 42 (2)
Opportunities for the upgrading of the health managing staff from a gender perspective
Jorna CAR, Véliz MPL, Castañeda AI
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 248-260
PDF size: 149.21 Kb.
Introduction: After the triumph of the Cuban revolution, men and women have the same opportunities to have access to education; however, postgraduate
education shows inequalities between females and males due to a patriarchal culture that remains unchanged.
Objective: To identify the influence of personal factors and the organization culture in the professional development from a gender perspective.
Methods: Descriptive study of the professional development opportunities conducted in 2014 and organized in three analysis levels: questionnaires and semistructured interviews to cadres and in depth interviews to experts.
Results: Scientific category of Master and teaching category of Associate Professor
predominated in both sexes. A higher number of men attained the highest teaching
and scientific categories and the second degree postgraduate specialty.
Theoretically speaking, the upgrading opportunities were equal but in practice, they
were different and associated to personal interest of cadres, the organizational
culture, family overload at home, which brings about a conflict between work and
the domestic tasks.
Conclusions: Men predominate over women in managing posts with the highest
level of preparation and postgraduate upgrading. Differences in professional
upgrading possibilities between men and women are admitted, related to the
reproductive role of female gender and the organizational culture of health
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