2015, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2015; 29 (4)
Learning requirements on the bronchial asthma of the integral general medicine specialists
de la Vega PT, Pérez MVT, Castillo IL, Fabré OD
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 706-717
PDF size: 85.84 Kb.
Introduction: the poor control of asthma symptoms is a serious problem that might bring about adverse economic and clinical consequences. The detection of
learning requirements in this field is a starting point for the search of a pedagogic solution that provides training and contributes to overcoming such deficiencies.
Objective: to identify the learning requirements of physicians, who work at the primary care level in three polyclinics of Playa municipality, on the bronchial asthma management.
Methods: exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional study based on an anonymous written questionnaire posed to 20 integral general medicine specialists, who were randomly selected for the study and work in three polyclinics of Playa municipality.
Results: the deficiencies and lack of knowledge and professional abilities to deal with the bronchial asthma were identified, mainly those related to the
comprehensive care of this complex and multifactoral psychosomatic disease.
Conclusions: the identified learning requirements mainly in epidemiology and treatment reveal the lack of knowledge and abilities of the integral general
medicine specialists in this municipality in the adequate management of the asthma patients.
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