2015, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2015; 34 (4)
Effect of a selective nutrient combination of chromogenic substrates for diagnosis of grampositive cocci
Someillan ID, Zhurbenko R, Rodríguez MC
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 313-327
PDF size: 247.14 Kb.
Introduction: reemergence of Grampositive bacteria infections and the rise of their pathogenicity require a quick and accurate microbiological diagnosis. BioCen
has developed a chromogenic composition for isolation, culturing and rapid and presumptive differentiation of gram-positive microorganisms through specific chromogenic reactions in which the inhibition of gramnegative bacteria is partial or total.
Objective: to evaluate the effect of a combination of nutrient bases, selective inhibitors and chromogenic substrates to increase the selectivity and differential
capacity to detect
Enterococcus, Streptococcus and
Staphylococcus species of clinical importance.
Methods: twenty one microbial strains from the American Type Culture Collection and 24 clinical isolates of
Enterococcus, Streptococcus and
Staphylococcus and of other gramnegative microorganisms were evaluated. Various combinations of
nutrient bases, thallium acetate, nalidixic acid and chromogenic substrates were also assessed for the promotion, growth and differentiation of grampositive
bacteria. The microbiological functionality was evaluated whereas the diagnostic quality parameters were determined.
Results: the combination of nutrient bases allowed the development of grampositive microorganisms in 24 hours and their differentiation through specific chromogenic reactions. The growth of gramnegative microorganisms was inhibited by the thallium acetate (0.014 g·L
-1) and nalidixic acid (0,008 g·L
-1) except for
Proteus mirabilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa whose morphological characteristics do not interfere with differentiation of target microorganisms. Sensitivity, specificity
and accuracy for diagnosis were 100%.
Conclusions: the combination of nutrient bases, selective inhibitors and chromogenic substrates allowed the development and differentiation of the
evaluated microorganism species. The inoculation of target and non-target microorganisms in the chromogenic medium and the differentiation of those strains
where a similar color of the colonies was detected by means of supplementary rapid tests provided the medium with high diagnostic sensitivity, specificity and accuracy.
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