2015, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Farm 2015; 49 (2)
Evaluation of information products and services of CEDIMED in Villa Clara province
Machado RMO, Pinto MM, Bermúdez SA, Alberto MR, Lorenzo M
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 304-321
PDF size: 182.79 Kb.
Introduction: information services on drugs have a well-known positive impact on the drug therapy and on the quality of life of patients. However, there has not been
an assessment made in the national territory, which allows diagnosing their situation from a comprehensive perspective.
Objective: to evaluate the drug information service of the Center of Drug Study, Documentation and Information located in Villa Clara province, as well as the information products prepared by this organization.
Methods: the information products and services of the Centers were evaluated by applying suggested subvariables and indicators in the Integral Model for Auditing Cuban Information Centers and by the specialized literature on drug information services. Three subvariables were analyzed: information service on drugs, users and information products including 9 indicators. The prepared questionnaires and the evaluation of the suitability of information products were performed through the Delphi method. Two hundred and forty seven users were surveyed to find out the level of satisfaction with the drug information service.
Results: six indicators (66.66%) were rated as excellent whereas the remaining three classified into Good, Regular and Bad, respectively. The least satisfactory results went to the indicators called time for responding to consultations and Approach to users/clients.
Conclusions: it was possible to determine a high level of satisfaction by users with the drug information service of the center. The general evaluation of information services and products of the organization was good.
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